
Changes to my study programme

Hello how are you? Today I come to talk a little about my career and what I would change about it. As you followers of my blog know, I study journalism at the University de Chile. In general, I like my career, even so there are some things that I would change about the curriculum of the career. One thing that I would like to have in my career are more practical subjects, where the use of cameras, making offices, making informative notes and production are deepened. This is even more so considering that I am from the generation that had those practical branches in the pandemic, where we saw almost all of its content remotely, which made learning difficult. Another thing that I would add would be more journalistic electives on various topics, dealing with culture, international, sports, entertainment, justice, politics, among others. There are already these types of branches in the degree, however we can only take two during the time that our studies last, which means that we leave

Time travel to the past or future

  The truth is that many times in random conversations I have been asked the question about whether I would like to travel in time, if I would like to go to the past or the future and at what precise moment I would like to go, so I had the answer to this blog thought long before. Time travel So answering the question, I would like to travel to the past, in order to be able to witness many of the important events in world history, such as the soccer world cups, political processes, the arrival of the man on the moon, to mention some facts that they would be interesting to watch. The past As for the future, the truth is that there is nothing I would like to know about it, since I prefer to live from day to day without knowing what might happen, letting life surprise me. That also applies to events apart from me that may happen, so there is no point in the future that I would like to know. Despite that, I am struck by knowing the technological advances of the future, as well as the evolut

My dream job

The truth is that before starting to write on this blog, I had rarely asked myself what my ideal job would be, I am currently studying journalism, so since first of all my priority is to work in anything related to journalism and communications. In addition to the fact that in this field there are quite a few areas that call my attention I to which I would like to dedicate myself, but I have not yet fully decided. Even so, one of the areas that catches my attention is sports journalism, because I really like sports. In this sense, my ideal job would be to work as a soccer match commentator, to be able to convey the emotion of that sport to the people who watch it, with the aim of making the broadcast much more entertaining and friendly, explaining the technical concepts in a that the people who are watching the game understand them. In addition to the fact that I have a great time talking about football and what better way to get paid for it. About the salary, hopefully it will be one

My favourite holidays

 My best vacations were in 2020, precisely when with my group of friends we went to El Quisco beach for 4 days. I consider that those were the best holidays because I shared with people that I appreciate a lot, I had a great time, I laughed a lot and we did many things during the 4 days that we were there. El Quisco beach We arrived on a Monday, we went in the Bahia Azul bus company since the value of the ticket was cheaper there and we settled in a cabin that we rented. The cabin was for 4 people, however we were 8. Bahia Azul company bus Once there, we went to the beach and stayed there all afternoon. After returning to the cabin we got ready, ate something and then went to an amusement park located in the city. The next day we repeat the routine of going to the beach, while at night we buy things to drink and play games in the cabin. The next day we went to the beach again, but to another one that was a little further away called El Canelo. There were a lot of people in the place an

A country i would like to visit

 Argentina is a country that is located in the southern part of South America. It has about 47 million inhabitants and with 2,700,000 square meters, it is the eighth largest country in the world. Its independence was declared on May 25, 1810, so it has been independent for 212 years. It borders with Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Flag of Argentina I would like to get to know Argentina, because its culture, neighbourhoods, museums, history and the way they experience sports have always caught my attention. Although it is a country that is not currently going through a good social, political and economic situation, that has not diminished my desire to go visit sometime. Neighborhood La Boca While there I would like to visit the various museums and theaters that the city has, in addition to visiting neighborhoods such as Palermo, Recoleta and La Boca. I would also like to go to soccer matches, especially to be able to see a Boca Juniors vs. River Plate, the super classic of

Things I will do after quarantine

Hello everyone, this time I will talk to you about the things I plan to do after quarantine. The first thing I would do would be to visit all the people I couldn't see during all this time, including my family and my circle of friends. After the quarantine, I would like to go for a walk around the city to see how everything is, in what process are the buildings that until a time ago were under construction. I would also like to carry out a project of my own that I had been thinking about before, but which was cut short due to the pandemic. This project consisted of recording myself doing blogs touring popular places in the city of Santiago. A kind of "Lugares que hablan", but more neglected urban sectors, in many peripheral cases, on which there is a strong social stigma, such as the communes of Puente Alto, La Pintana, San Bernardo, among others, for after upload them Youtube. After the quarantine, I would also like to play soccer with my friends again, in addition to go

A Photograph (its story)

Hello everyone, I hope you are well. This time I will tell about the story behind the photo that I will leave you with a continuation. This photo corresponds to the last social gathering I had before the COVID-19 pandemic became uncontrollable. It was Monday March 16, 2020, this day was scheduled to return to classes at the university after having a long summer vacation. However, two weeks ago, the first positive case of COVID-19 had been confirmed in the country, over time the cases of infected people were on the rise, which led to the suspension of classroom classes in many establishments that week , among which was included the Universidad De Chile. The President, Sebastián Piñera, communicating the suspension of classes through a press conference. Despite not having classes, I still got up early and went to the gym to train. I was there for about two hours and when I finished I went back to my house. During the afternoon I went back to make the most of the time